WOD – Monday 7/27

Spend 1:00 in Z1
Then, 2 to 3 rounds
10 monster walks left/right
10 air squats
10 glute bridges
:30 bridge hold

Spiderman, pigeon, maybe even couch.

Back squat – 5×3; normal tempo
Build off of 7/13

4 rounds
15 double DB squats with :03 negative
:45 wall sit

5 min AMRAP…
Thrusters (95/65#)
Box jumps
Rest 2:00, repeat
*add 45/25# plate to box height*

5 min AMRAP…
DB thrusters
Box jumps or 6/4’ broad jumps
Rest 2:00, repeat

Fathom – 2 AMRAP’s on the longer side of the short with a rest in between.
Gear – shorter workouts find a way of hurting a bit more because you can push the pace and not worry about exploding in the 10th or 12th minute.
Knots – Today’s approach is brought to you by coach Chad
I want to remind you guys that this is a total of 10 minutes of work. The two-minute break in between will go by very quickly, and while there is a chance you will get your heart rate down, I wouldn’t consider it a full rest, more of a mental reset. We all know that thrusters will red line our heart rates, so be methodical and efficient with these (aka, slow down a bit, breathe in at the top, breathe out at the bottom).

One question I will ask you guys to think about is how many thrusters you could go UB with the weight at 95/65#?
If the answer is 25+, pick a set to break up the thrusters at (maybe at 15 or 18 start to break it up into two sets)
If the answer is 15-25, make sure the biggest number of thrusters you’ll do is 7/8/9, and to break up each set accordingly (do not want them maxing out then dropping to singles). At 12 go 6/6 or 7/5. Round 15 go 8/7, 9/6. Round 18 maybe break it up into 6’s… What I want is for you is to stay well below your ME set at any given point and whenever you pick up the bar have an attainable single-digit number to go get.
If the answer is less than 15, I would either encourage you to lighten the BB to 75/55# or if you are good at box jumps think of 5 to 6 at the time but to get right back on the barbell. Anything less than 5 at a time will crush you during the round of 18+, and the goal shouldn’t be to break these rounds up into 6 sets of 3.
As far as box jumps go, this will be an opportunity to get the heart rate a bit “leveled” as opposed to full recovery- we all know box jumps can be a nice break but still require focus and fast twitching muscles. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast (can be applied to thrusters too).

Breathing. I’ve tried to emphasize this with my classes lately. I have found that in the middle of a long AB cal round, or doing big sets of T2B it actually is kinda cool to get lost into counting and breathing. Putting the two hand in hand has really led me to focus on what I’m doing and where I’m at instead of “oh my god I want to die.”

Obviously the goal of both rounds will be to get the same number, so keep in mind what you will want to feel like at the end of the first 5 minute amrap. I always say with these WODs the last thing you want to say to yourself at the end of the first amrap is “oh shit,” but because there are just two rounds today (as opposed to 3 to 5), don’t be afraid to push the envelope.

“At the end of round 1 you should think it was tough, but I don’t want to see anyone on the floor squirming around like a fish out of water.”

My personal approach to this will probably be to start breaking them up into two sets around 15 or 18. 21 will get interesting because I’ve never personally done more than 21 (i.e. Fran), so it’s sort of uncharted waters and could be a good learning experience.

My backup approach will most likely change if I workout with another coach- i.e. SEND IT, body bag during 2 minute rest, and then ruin the rest of my day and don’t recover until supper. K thanks.
Current – all box fitness today

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