3 rounds of increasing intensity
15/12 cals row
10 kip swings + 5 strict pulls
10e DB swings
12/10 cals row
8 kipping pulls
8e DB snatches
10/8 cals row
6 bar muscle-ups (break into 2 sets with considerable break between)
6e DB snatches
The bar muscle-up
4 min AMRAP
10 bar muscle-ups
20t DB hang snatches
Max calories row in time reaming
Rest 2:00, x4
4 min AMRAP
10 ring rows
10 box dips
20t DB hang snatches
Max calories row in time reaming
Rest 2:00, x4
Fathom – shorter intervals with a good rest in between
Gear – each interval should be, as the kids say, a full send
Knots – even though you do not have a ton of time between rounds to rest, you are coming off a max effort row. The heart rate will be high, your breathing will be heavy, but there will be very little localized fatigue. Meaning you will be able to recover quite a bit. The rower won’t push your muscles to a place that they won’t come back from in the two minute rest period. Go get each round.
Current – be mindful when moving to and from your spot on the rig.