The Port – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3:00 Monster Band Glute Activation
+ 2 Rounds:
8 Bootstrap Squats
8 Cossack Squats
8 Air Squats
10 Scap Pull-Ups
+ 3 Rounds:
6 Wall Balls
6 Kip Swings – Knee Raises- T2B
6 Plate G2OH
Back Squat (6.4.2 X 3 ; Every 2:00 )
Week 1
First set of 6 – 60%
Last set of 2 – 80%
Burn Strength
A: Bulgarian split squats (4 X 12e)
Week 1
*if adding weight, 1 KB in goblet position.
B: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets:
1:00 Plank Hold
12 Side Plank Lifts L
12 Side Plank Lifts R
Rest as needed between sets.
Port Prep #3 (5 Rounds for time)
5 Rounds:
18 Wall Balls
14t DB Snatches
10 T2B
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds.