The Port
2 Rounds:
5 X I’s, Y’s and T’s
5 Inchworm Push-Ups
10 Floor Slides
2 Rounds:
5e KB Strict Press
20t Lunges
Push Press (5 X 1 between 95-100%)
Last set is a Max Effort Set.
Burn Strength
A1: Banded Hammer Curls (4 X 15)
Step on the band to provide the right amount of tension.
A2: Banded tricep push-downs (4 X 12e; Single arm today)
Set up a band that allows for full range of motion, but still provides a challenge.
A3: Plate front raises (4 X 10)
Grab a plate (10-45#) and hold on either side, with straight arms and without overextending your back, take the plate from in front to over your head. Focus on tension and lockout.
3 Rounds for Time:
12 DB Push Press (35/25)(30/20)
24 Russian KBS (53/35)
36 Walking Lunges
Paul J.