Saturday- 11/6


Congrats to Troy – our November Member in the Spotlight!

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 X 100m Row, increasing in intensity.

Switch with a partner. While 1 person rows, the other completes 8 slow, controlled plank up-downs.

+ Banded Shoulder/Tricep


A1: Rolling Tricep Extensions (4 X 10)

Laying on the floor bend your arms at the elbows by bringing two DB’s over your head and let them rest on the floor before bringing them back to full extension.

A2: Bicep Curls (4 X 15)

DB’s or BB.


Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds for Quality:

500m Row

40 Single DB Lateral Box Step-Overs

30 Box Dips

20 Plank DB Slides

100ft SA Front Rack Carry (50ft L/50ft R)

Joe and Meg

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