The Port
2:00 Bike in Z1
2 Rounds w/ a Band:
10 Pass Throughs
10 Push-Aparts
10 Front Raise + Pull-Aparts
10 Bent Over Rows
+ Additional Banded Rotation and Mobility
Extended Warm-up
2 Rounds:
5 False Grip Ring Rows
:10 Ring Support Hold
:10 Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3 Ring Dip Negatives (No Dip Out)
3 Baby Ring Muscle-Ups
Muscle-ups (12 Min to Work Ring MU)
Burn Strength
A1: Push-ups (4 X 10 Challenging Reps)
Make this challenging today, whatever that means for you. Box Push-Ups, Ring Push-Ups, Weighted Push-Ups, Banded Push-Ups, etc.
A2: Inverted BB row (4 X ME (-2))
Feet on a box if you can, otherwise make these as challenging as you can while moving through full ROM.
EMOM 10:
Min 1: :45 ME Ring Muscle-Ups
Min 2: 12/10 Cal Bike
Rest 2:00
Min 1: :45 ME Burpees
Min 2: 12/10 Cal Bike
Score for Part A: # of Ring MU
Score for Part B: # of Burpees
Burn WOD
EMOM 10:
Min 1: :45 Burpee Pull-Ups
Min 2: :45 Bike Cals
Rest 2:00
Min 1: :45 Burpees
Min 2: :45 Bike Cals
Score for Part A: # of Burpee Pull-Ups
Score for Part B: # of Burpees