CF and Burn WOD – Tuesday 9/10

200m run
10 scap push-ups
10 scap pull-ups
10 air squats
200m run
8 ring rows
8 banded push-ups
8 air squats
200m run
6 pull-ups
6 push-ups
6 air squats

How to be successful with Cindy
A couple things to think about when approaching this WOD.
1. Set-up is key
Make sure you are set-up as close to each piece as possible. It won’t be possible for you to do your push-ups directly under the pull-up bar, but if you hop down and take a few steps to get right into your push-ups, hop up and get right into your squats, your transitions will be crisp and will help keep moving you forward.

2. You must pace yourself
Moving too quickly right away will only burn you out halfway through. Keep a steady pace in order to ensure you can keep moving for the entire 20 minutes. Understand your abilities and what your goal might be. Use the clock to keep you on track and prevent you from going too fast. Keep something left in the tank because 20 minutes is a long time.

3. Do not worry about anyone else
It’s easy to get caught up with what everyone around you is doing, especially during a benchmark workout. But, you’ll be much more efficient if you stay focused on yourself and your own movements.

4. Be realistic
Understand what movements need to be scaled to allow you to always move forward. You can start with a tougher progression, but have a plan B if the push-ups or pull-ups start to go.

CF and Burn WOD
20 min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

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