The Port
It’s time for another bi-monthly update on what you can expect from the programming side of things in class! January and February were full of skill work, skill sessions, and a lot of Open-style rep schemes, time domains, and movement combinations. We hope you’re feeling confident in pacing and pushing through AMRAP’s, your skills have been tested and tweaked, and you’re ready for the next three weeks of Open WODs!
Programming through the Open can be tricky, but we will do our best to work around the unknown and unknowable workouts that are released Thursday evenings and completed on Fridays in class and during Friday Night Lights. You can expect the next few Thursdays to still be Partner WOD’s but they will be a little more mono-structural, sweaty, and movement-based with nothing too heavy or technical, as we prepare for Friday’s intensity!
As we move through March and April, we are going to start dialing in our Olympic Lifting technique. You can expect to see weekly positional work in the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk and although we will start light, the weights will increase as weeks go by. We are also going to bring back consistent squatting once a week in the Back, Front, and Overhead variations, along with accessory and complementary work for those as well.
As always, we encourage you to make sure you are taking rest days when you need them! Learning to listen to your body is just as important as coming in to workout, and remember, rest days are when you reap the benefits of all of your hard work!
Looking forward to working hard through some Open workouts together and getting stronger as we move into Spring!
-Coach Ashley
2 Rounds:
200m Row
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 alt. Good Mornings
10 Bootstrap Squats
3 Rounds:
5e Upright Row to External Rotation
5e Single Arm DB Strict Press
5e Single Arm DB OH Reverse Lunge
1 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch
Moderate weight across for all set. (65-70%)
Burn Strength
EMOM X 12:
Min 1: 12 OH Plate Reverse Lunges
Min 2: 8e Upright Row to External Rotation
Min 3: 16t Plank Pull Throughs
20 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)|(35/20)
20 Single DB Suitcase Lunges*
250/200m Row
*Switch hands after 10 Lunges.