Friday – 6/18

The Port


3 Rounds w/ a focus on jump rope and double under technique:

:30 Jump Rope
10 Strict Press
10 Tall Jumps
:30 Row
+ Banded Shoulder Mobility Drills

:30 Jump Rope
10 Tall Jumps
10 Push Press
:30 Row
+ Shoulder Stretches w/ Bar on the Rig

:30 Jump Rope
10 Tall Jumps
10 Push Jerks
:30 Row
+ Leg Swings, Ankles/Calf Mobility


Push Press (5 X 5 Between 75-85% )

Last set is a Max Effort Set.

Look back to 5/17 and the goal is to go heavier this week.

Burn Strength

EMOM X 10:
Min 1: 10 Russian KBS + 5 Box Jumps
Min 2: 8 DB Push Press


50 – 50 – 50 – 50
Double Unders
40 – 30 – 20 – 10
Cal Row
10 – 10 – 10 – 10
Push Jerk (155/105)(135/95)

Burn WOD

4 Rounds:
20 Mountain Climbers
25/20 Cal Row
8e DB Hang Clean and Jerk


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