Friday – 8/20


Sign Up for our first annual Port Golf Tournament!

The Port


2:00 in Z1


2 Rounds:
10 Banded Straight-Arm Lat Pull-Downs
10 Banded Face Pulls
10 Banded Tricep Push-Downs


2 Rounds:
10e Single-Arm Banded Rows
10e Single Arm Internal/External Rotations


L1: Strict Pull-Up (2 X ME Set of Strict Pull-Ups)
Score is highest rep set. Rest as needed betwen attempts.
L2: Strict Pull-Up (2 X 8-12 Banded Strict Pull-Ups )
Grab the thinnest band needed for 2 sets of 8-12 Strict Pull-Ups
L3: Banded Lat Pull-Down (2 X 20)

All levels complete work above and then complete –
B: Bent Over Row (4 X 8e)


1 Round:
30 Pull-Ups
60 Goblet Squats (70/53)

Rest 1:00

2 Rounds:
15 Pull-Ups
30 Goblet Squats

Rest 1:00

3 Rounds:
10 Pull-Ups
15 Goblet Squats


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