Friday – 10/29

The Port

Good luck and well wishes to Coach Jamie as she leaves for Chicago to compete in the Mid-American Championships under the 55kg division!

Saturday you can watch her lifts on the FB Live Stream from The Strength Agenda at 1pCT (2pET)

Click here to cheer Jamie on!


2:00 in Z1
Dynamic Mobility Passes and Full-Body Mobility

2 -3 Rounds:
10 Slow Scap Pull-Ups
8 Kip Swings
6 Up-Downs

Accessory work

A1: Zottaman curls (4 X 10)
A2: Pallof Press (4 x 10e)
A3: Banded Leg Extensions (4 x 10e)


29 Double Unders
21 Burpees
10 T2B

Good Luck Coach Jamie!

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