The Port
Open WOD 21.1 will be announced Thursday night! Are you signed up for our in-house Battle of the Generations competition yet? Here are all the details!
3 Rounds:
10t Lateral Box Step-Overs
10 Band Pull-Aparts
5 Scap Pull-Ups + 5 Strict Hanging Knee Tucks
:30 Bike
A1.: Back Rack Lunge (3 X 10; Across.)
A2. : Woodchops (4 X 10e)
High to low, half kneeling
Burn Strength
4 Sets:
Banded Lateral Steps L/R – X 2
10 Monster Band Good Mornings
:45 Banded Wall-Sit
Rest :90 Between Rounds
7 Rounds:
10 Single DB Step-Ups (50/35)
8/6 Cal Bike
10 Toes-to-Bar
8/6 Cal Bike
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds.
Burn WOD
7 Rounds:
10/8 Cal Bike
10 Single DB Step-Ups
10 Sit-ups
10e Russian Twists
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds.
Eric G.