Monday – 1/4

CrossFit Portsmouth – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds with a Partner & a WB:

10 WBs – passing ball each rep – don’t let the ball hit the floor!

10 Partner Sit Ups with WB

10 Pike Seated Twists with the WB – pass ball back & forth

:30 WB Plank (feet on wallball) / Partner 2 Hollow Hold – then switch


Box Mobility – spiders, lunges, pigeons etc. At the end grab everyone a lax ball and smash your hammies


Back Squat (3RM w/:02 pause + 2×3@90% w/o pause)


Metcon (Time)

“An attractive offer”

4 rounds

300m row

15 pull-ups

10 OtB burpees

5 squat cleans (165/115#)

Rest 3:00

Extra Credit

Nose and toes HS hold – 3x:20

L-sit – accumulate 1:00

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