The Port
2:00 Bike:
:30 “Easy”
:30 “Moderate”
:30 “Hard”
:30 “Bike”
Record RPM’s for each pace on your whiteboard to use in the workout.
+ 3 Rounds w/ a PVC:
10 Pass Throughs
10 Behind the Neck Presses
10 OHS
Overhead Squat (4 X 3; Across)
Moderate weight for the day with good form.
Burn Strength
4 Rounds:
8 Push Press L + 8 alt. OH Lunges L
8 Push Press R + 8 alt. OH Lunges R
:30 Hollow Hold
Rest 1:00 between rounds.
“Now You See Me”
Every 4:00 X 5 Rounds:
:45 Easy AB
:45 Moderate AB
:30 Hard AB