Monday – 12/13

The Port


2 Sets:
10 Floor Scrapers
5 Inchworms, No Push-Up
5 Bootstrap Squats + :30 Squat Hold
10t Trunk Rotations

+ 2:00 Bike @ Moderate Pace
5 Air Squats
5 Front Squats
5e BB Single-Leg RDL’s

+ Front Rack Mobility Drills


Front Squat (3 x 5; Across)
Looking to increase from last week.
Single-leg RDL (3 x 8e)
In between each working set of squats.

Burn Strength

A1: Bulgarian Split Squats (4 X 8e)
If adding weight, in suitcase hold position today.
A2: KB Front Rack March (4 X 20)


4:00 Cal Bike

1:00 Rest X 4 Rounds

Round 1: Look at RPM/Cals
Rounds 2-4: Cover Screen.

For Rounds 2-4, you get 1 point for every calorie that you are off from your first round score. The goal today is to have the lowest score possible. Comment your cals per round.

Jill and Tatjiana

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