Monday – 1/24


New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
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The Port


Dynamic Squat Mobility and Hip Openers

3 Rounds (Evolving) w/ a BB or DB’s:
5 Deadlifts
5 Upright Rows
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
:10 Bottom of Front Squat Hold


A: Hang Squat Clean (12 Min to Find a Heavy Single for the day)
2:00 Rest
12 Minutes: Find a Heavy Single- Hang Squat Clean
B: 3 Rounds for Reps
1:00 ME Reps at 60%
2:00 Rest
:90 ME Reps at 70%
2:00 Rest
2:00 ME Reps at 80%

Burn Strength

A. 4 Sets:
12 DB RDL’s
1:00 Wall-Sit
12 DB Upright Rows

Rest 2:00 Between Sets.

B. 3 Sets:
:40 Hollow Hold
10 Leg Lift Overs

Rest 1:00 Between Sets.


Echo Bike Conditioning

3 Sets:
:20 Increasing Intensity, :40 Easy

Rest 2:00

10 Sets:
:30 Hard/ :30 Easy

Right Into…

5 Min Recovery Cool Down
Score is total calories from the 10 sets only.


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