Port @your Place – Friday 4/17

Fun Fact Friday – The top of the Eiffel Tower leans away from the sun, as the metal facing the sun heats up and expands. It can move as much as 7 inches.

Friday 4/17 – PushPlay Playlist

1:00 of jumping jacks and seal jacks
Then 2 or 3 rounds of
10 ground scrapers in place
10 90/90 stretches
10 spiderman to rotation to straight leg
10 snow angels
10 scorpions

15 min EMOM
1. 10e DB front squats into front rack hold
2. 10e DB push press into front rack hold
3. Rest
If you hold with your left in 1, then you must hold with your right in 2.

“Halfway There”
4 min AMRAP
20 alt jumping lunges
20t SA DB floor press
Rest 2:00, x3


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