Port @your Place – Saturday 4/11

Take a second today and think about your week. I know things are different. Our new “schedules” do not feel like schedules. But what one or two things could you take out and feel a lot more productive? What activities or habits took too much of your time, time that could be used to do something else?

For me, I spent way too much time researching how to do tasks. Which turned into me just being on my phone way too much. This next week I am going to cut my phone time in half and use that time to be more present and more productive.

Push Play Playlist for Saturday:

:30 jumping jacks
:30 seal jacks
Then, 3 to 5 rounds
10 push-ups to 2 toe touches
10 sumo squats
10 glute bridges

5 rounds
2:00 on/2:00 off
50 DU’s
10 SA DB hang squat cleans
Max box jump overs in the time remaining

3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 V-ups
:20 hollow hold
Rest 1:00


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