Port @your Place – Wednesday 3/25

Wet Wednesday
Waking up, it is common to fight fatigue and drowsiness with a cup of coffee. It is easily repeated throughout the day. Feeling a little slow? Maybe some caffeine to fight it and stay alert. However, research shows that even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mood changes, as well as physical effects like dry skin, headache, dizziness and/or constipation. Furthermore, too much caffeine can trigger symptoms of anxiety. We need to limit our anxiety during these times, which is why today’s challenge is to drink a gallon of water throughout the day.

A1. Push-ups – 5 sets of 40% of your max effort set from 3/16
A2. Chair rows or bent over backpack rows – 5×8

4 rounds
40t step-ups with DB
30t SA DB hang squat cleans
20 box jumps

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