Port @your Place – Wednesday 5/6

This is your weekly challenge. You do not HAVE to do it today, but your challenge is to complete today at some point this week. Some arms for our Beachbody and some weighted running for our mental fortitude. If anyone needs an accountability buddy. I would be more than happy to run with you.

This video is worth the watch. Chad and I team up for your whiteboard session for 5/6

1:00 of single unders
Then, stretch the quads and calves
Complete a 200m run at 60%
10m of high knees
10m of walking on your toes
10m of walking on your heels

A1. Bicep curls to :30 overhead hold – 4x10e
A2. Dips – 4×10

30-minute run
Wear a weighted backpack or vest.

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