Saturday – 5/22

The Port


5 Ring Rows
5 Foot-Assisted Ring Dips
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Snatch Grip BTN Presses

+ Coach-led Barbell Warm-Up and Mobility


A1: Overhead Squat (1 Power Snatch + 3 Tempo OHS (3111) )

15 Minutes to work through 5 working sets; Building or Across

In between sets of OHS, choose one of the following options to complete:
Option 1: 1 Strict Ring Pull-Up + 2 Ring Kip
Swings + 1 Kipping Ring Muscle-Up
Option 2: 5 Ring Row Muscle-Ups (low rings)


Pick your Poison!
A. 4 Rounds for Time:
6 Ring MU
12 OHS (115/75)

B. 8 Rounds for Time:
3 Ring MU
6 OHS (115/75)

C. 6 Rounds for Time:
6 Pull
6 Push
8 Front Squats (115/75)


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