Saturday – 7/24


The Port Golf Tournament
Friday, September 17th at Pease
Interested? Email Sophie for more info.

The Port


400m Run


10e Leg Swings (Front to Back)
20t Walking Lunges
30 Calf Raises
20t Walking Lunges
10t Leg Swings (Side to Side)

+ Hip/Hamstring Mobility


Weighted Step-ups (4 x 8e)
KB Front Rack Step-Ups*

*1 KB today in the Front Rack Position.
While left leg is working, right hand holds KB.
When right leg is working, left hand holds KB.
Slow things down today, especially focus on controlling the eccentric.

In between each set of step-ups, accumulate 1:00 in a Hollow Hold.


5 Rounds (Each) w/ a Partner
Under a 22min CAP:

400m Run
*Burpee Touches (12′)

While Partner 1 is running, Partner 2 is
accumulating Burpee Touches. When Partner 1
gets back in the door, high five, and switch.
Parter 2 will then run, and Partner 1 will accumulate Burpee Touches.

Score is Time – 1 Second Per Burpee Touch

Matt D.

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