The Port Golf Tournament
Friday, September 17th at Pease
Interested? Email Sophie for more info.
The Port
2:00 Monster Band Glute Activation
+ 90/90 Hip Openers and Hamstring Mobility
+ 5-8 Min of Steady Moving:
1:00 Row
5 Burpees
10 Plate Ground to OH
1:00 Row
5 Burpee Plate Hops
10 Plate Ground to OH
1:00 Row
10 Tempo Barbell Deadlifts
Deadlift (5 Sets, Building)
5 – 5 – 3 – 3 – 3
For Time:
25/20 Cal Row
25 Burpees to a Plate
25 Double DB Snatch (50/35)(35/20)
25 Burpees to a Plate
25/20 Cal Row
Amy and Rachael