Sunday- 8/15


Sign Up for our first annual Port Golf Tournament!

The Port


2:00 in Z1 +

25ft Walking Lunge
25ft Duck Walk
25ft Inchworms
25ft Spiderman Rotations
25ft Toe Walk/Heel Walk
25ft Burpee Broad Jumps

+ Couch Stretch, Pigeon, and Runner’s Lunge


Partner Sunday!

800m Run

8 Rounds (Each):
8 KBS (70/53)(53/35)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs

800m Run

*Both partners complete the 800m Runs together. Once both partners are back inside, you go, I go, until each partner has done 8 rounds.

Post-Workout Strength

4 Sets for Quality:
1:00 Wall-Sit
:30 Plank L
:30 Plank R
20 Banded Leg Extensions


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