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The Port – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Shoulder Mobility
Seated Straddle Reach Through + Lying Figure 4 Stretch
+ 2:00 Bike
Into 3 Rounds:
5e Hang DB Muscle Snatch + Strict Press
10t Step-Ups
10 Tuck-Ups
A1: DB Strict Press (3 x 10 @ 2121)
A2: Bent Over Row (3 x 10 @ 2121)
Barbell Rows
A3: Hanging Knee Tuck (3 x :30)
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 Sets:
3 Rounds:
12t DB Snatches
12 Box Jumps
12/10 Cal Bike
Rest 2:00 Between Sets.
(9 Rounds Total)
Athlete’s Choice on weight and box height.