Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows
Really stretch the shoulders to prep for the strength EMOM
16 min EMOM
Evens – 3 to 5 strict HSPU’s
Odds – 5 to 10 T2B
Scale the HSPU’s to the hardest progression possible. They must be strict. T2B do not need to be strict but should be scaled if you cannot kip them 1:1. If you are doing knee raises, try to keep the legs straight and bring them as high as you can.
“Beach Comber”
15 min AMRAP
10 C2B
15 push-ups
200m plate farmers carry (45/25#)
*must be bumper plates
Odd moment workout of the week. I think I like this one a lot. But I think that a lot. Bumper plates must be carried one in each hand. Rest when needed. Grip will go and it will go fast.