Thursday – 11/11

The Port

Today we honor all who served our country. Happy Veterans Day! We thank you.


:20 on / :10 off X 2-3 Rounds:
Step Overs
Air Squats – Squat Jumps – Light DB Thrusters
Push-Up to Pike
Mountain Climbers

+ Lunge, Pigeon, Iron Cross Hold, Lying Knee to Chest

“Eleven 11”

A Veterans Day Tribute WOD

11 Burpee Box Step Overs (24/20)*
11 DB Thrusters (35/20)(25/15)

*Add one rep each round.

Post-Workout Strength

EMOM X 15:
Min 1- :20 Side Plank R / :20 Side Plank L
Min 2- :45 Wall-Sit*
Min 3- 20 Banded Hamstring Curls

*Add weight if possible.


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