Thursday- 1/20


New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
To check out the menu and order use our special affiliate link –

For January receive 40% off your first order. More details have been emailed to you!

The Port


5:00 Bike
EMOM, including 0:00, 5 Burpees.


A. Spend 5 Minutes on Coach-Led Lax Ball Smash of Shoulder, Upper Traps, Rotator Cuff
B1. 3 X 8 Banded Y’s
B2. 3 X 8 Banded Face Pulls
B3. 3 X :40 PVC Lat Stretch


With a Partner; You go, I go.
For Time:
10 Rounds (5 Rounds Each):
10/8 Cal Bike
10 Sit-Ups

Right Into:

10 Rounds (5 Rounds Each):
10/8 Cal Bike
50ft Farmer’s Carry

Meg Hopps

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