Thursday – 2/10


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The Port


2:00 in Z1 +
Mobility Work and Accessory Below

After that…

2 Rounds:
:30 Row
4t Single Arm Devils Press
4e Single Arm Push Press
:30 Jump Rope
10 Sit-Ups
5 Push-Ups


Elbow, Tricep, Forearm Barbell Smash
+ Lax Ball Shoulder Openers
+ Tricep Stretch

Accessory work

Rolling Tricep Extensions (3 X 12)
Waiters Carry (3 X 50ft)
L-Sit (3 X MAX HOLD)


With a Partner

3 Rounds (Each):
60 Double Unders
15 Push-Ups

3 Rounds (Each):
15/12 Calorie Bike
15 Sit-Ups

3 Rounds (Each):
6 Devil’s Press*
20t Bodyweight Lunges

3 Rounds (Each):
15 DB Deadlifts*
6 DB Push Press*

*Athlete’s Choice on weight today, but choose one set of DB’s for the whole workout.


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