Tuesday – 7/27


Port Members,

It’s time for a programming update going into August and September! June and July brought us strength gains in the form of Back Squat and Push Press PR’s and we were so happy with the progress that members made through those six weeks! Our WODs have been more cardio/bodyweight heavy, with less of a focus on the barbell recently. We’ve gone long in low and slow gear, short in high gear, and found that intensity, with some good interval days as well. “No Whiteboard Wednesdays” or our “For Quality” days have also found a happy and routine place in our programming through the past few months and will stick around going forward. Our new Echo Bikes arrived which is sure to throw an extra challenge into conditioning pieces coming up.

Over the next few months, we are going to shift our focus again to some very classic “CrossFit Strength”, Push, Pull, and Squat. Coming off of our Back Squat cycle, we are going to test our 1RM Squat Clean this Wednesday, and then really dive in and break down our technique in the coming weeks.

Something a little bit different for us is how we are going to attack our pushing and pulling work. We are going to start with strict pull-up and strict press work, with different levels, so everyone has a track they can follow along from week to week depending on their ability. As we move through, we will progress from strict work into more dynamic kipping drills for those who are ready and build endurance with our gymnastics as well. So whether you’re looking to get your first strict pull-up, handstand push-up, ring dip, dial in your kipping and butterfly technique, or are excited to work on bar and ring muscle-ups, there will be a path for you!

We are very excited to help you check off a few more boxes on the goals list.

See you in the gym!

-Coach Ashley

The Port


3 Rounds:
1:00 Cardio of Choice
10 Samson Lunges
10 Bird Dogs
10 Cossack Squats

+ Movement Prep for the WOD


4 Rounds For Quality:
On a 5:00 Clock:
2:00 Bike, Ski, or Row
1:00 KB Front Rack Hold
8e Single KB Suitcase Hold Split Squats

Recovery walk in the time remaining.

Matt R.

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