Tuesday – 8/10


Come join Coach Ashley at the PHS Track on Tuesday 8/10 at 5:15 p.m. for the day’s WOD! The workout will be the same at the track as in class during the day, with the 5:15 p.m. class at the gym still available as an option as well. Register using Wodify if you’re planning to come to the track. Looking forward to a change in scenery and some fun and sweaty running intervals!

The Port


400m Run + Dynamic Running Warm-Up Passes and Mobility


Running Intervals (200mx10) (10 Rounds for time)
10 rounds
200m run

Rest 1:30

Cool Down

Cool Down:
5-6:00 of Stretching
Lunge, Spiderman, Couch Stretch, Iron Cross.

Coach Kristi and Tobi

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