WOD – Tuesday 7/17

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
:20 HS hold
:20 hollow rocks
:20 shoulder taps
:20 of down dog push-ups

Coach led shoulder mobility

HSPU’s – complete 2 sets of 4 to 8 reps every :90 for 6 minutes total (5 rounds)
*build off last session 6/19
This is a building session. Meaning many have done this before. Attacking it with a purpose. Adding volume or increasing difficulty of movement. All reps should be strict. Remember, it is 2 sets in :90.

“Gold Package”
E5:00 for 25:00 total
500/400m row
3 rounds of C2B “Cindy”
3:00 of work max. So scaling the difficulty of Cindy, the reps per round, or even the distance of the row to allow yourself almost a full minute of rest. Most will finish the row in under 2:00, so you will have 2:00 to complete 3 rounds of 5 C2B, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats. Moving the entire time will be critical, so scaling will be enormous.

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