WOD – Monday 2/8

Huge shout out to these guys who not only represented CFP well by lifting huge weight, but did it with great form and incredible sportsmanship. Oh, and Chad won the event for his division with a 500# deadlift. Awesome job boys.

If you want to be on an open team and get a shirt, you need to be signed up by Wednesday, Feb 17th.

Row, push and pull
3 rounds
200m row
10 wall balls
5 pull-ups

Front squat prep – pigeon and couch
Goblet pause squat; hold bottom position for 2:00

Front Squat – 3.3 :20 rest between reps; build to a heavy cluster

3 rounds
1 rope climb
10 squat cleans (115/85#)(95/65#)
10 T2B
20 cal row
20t front rack lunges
40 DU’s
Rest 1:00

Extra Credit
5 supersets
50′ waiters carry
10-15 GHD sit-ups

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