Wednesday – 03/03

The Port


:30 Banded March
10 Banded Air Squats
10t Spiderman Rotations

:30 Hollow Banded March
10e Banded Clamshells
10t Iron Crosses

8 Hanging Knee Raise
8 Kip Swings
8 Kipping Knees to Elbows

+ 1:00e Couch Stretch

+ 1:00e Pigeon

+ 1:00e Ankle/Calf Stretches


Front Squat

Build to a Heavy 10-Rep Front Squat

Burn Strength

5 Sets:
:45 Wall-Sit
8 SA KB Front Rack Split Squat L
8 SA KB Front Rack Split Squat R

Rest 1:00


Every 3:00 X 5 Rounds

10 Front Squats (155/105)|(115/75)
15 Knees to Elbow
10 Up-Downs Over Bar

Burn WOD

Every 3:00 X 5 Rounds

12 Goblet Squats
12 Ball Slams
12 OH Plate Sit-Ups


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