Wednesday – 3/17

The Port


10 Hang to High Hang Deadlifts
10 Barbell Shrugs
10 Strict Press
10 Lateral Jumps Over Bar

* Add a little weight

8 Clean Pulls
8 Hang Power Cleans
8 Push Press
8 Lateral Jumps Over the Bar

+ Add a little weight

6 Power Cleans
6 Push Jerkrs
6 Lateral Jumps Over the Bar

+ Banded elbow and wrist mobility

*Burn SUB KB DL, KB Swing, KB Strict Press


Every 2:00 X 6 Rounds:

3 Tng Power Clean and Push Jerks or Power Snatches

*Athlete’s choice today. Start light-moderate and build each round towards something heavy for the day.

Burn Strength

Every 2:00 X 6 Rounds:

8 DB Suitcase Hold Jump Squats
8 DB Swings
8 DB Push Press


Partner WOD:

50/46/42 Cal Bike
36 Lateral Jumps Over the Bar
ME Hang Cleans in Time Remaining

Rest 2:00 X 3 Rounds.

Athletes choose weight on the bar. Score is total weight lifted.

Burn WOD

25/20 Cals on any machine
20 Lateral Jumps or Lateral Step-Overs
20 Russian KB Swings

ME Cals in time remaining

Rest 2:00 X 3 Rounds


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