Wednesday – 8/16

Spend two minutes in Z1
Then, foam roller on the lats
20 banded pull aparts
3 rounds
5 jumping back squats
5 push press

Shoulder mobility to prep for the push press

Push press – 3×4; The heaviest we have gone yet.
Again, here we go, last week.

“Snake Charmer”
3 rounds
25/20 cals AB
15 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
75 DU’s
Pretty straightforward WOD. Our classic CrossFit workout of the week. The clean and jerks should take the most time by far. Many will go to singles early, as it is a great way to pace the movement.

Accessory Work
3-5 rounds
Tricep push downs – 10-15
High to low, half kneeling wood chops – 10-15e

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