WOD and Burn – Friday 11/29

Throwback to last year’s Turkey Day extravaganza.

Remember, no 5/6am or 5:15pm

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 wall balls
10 hang cleans
10 push press
10 step ups/box jumps

CFP squat mobility; pigeon, spiderman, and hurdler
Child’s pose and laying shoulder stretch

“Fight Gone Bad”
1:00 at each station
Wall balls (20/14#)
Hang cleans (65/45#)
Box jumps (24/20”)
Push press
Cals on rower
1:00 rest, x3
Fight Gone Bad. It is a CFP tradition. Every year, after eating way too much food, come in the next day and do one of the most challenging workouts ever created. If you have been working on your pacing through the past couple of weeks of differing work to rest intervals and longer workout times today is a great day to apply what you have learned. Each station is 1:00 but think big picture. You are only going to get a minute of rest after every five minutes round, and this one is 15 total minutes of work. Treat each station as such. Find what 75% is for you and settle into a pace. Score is total reps after each round.
*burn subs KB SDHP for hang cleans and DB push press

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