WOD and Burn – Friday 4/12

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
10 ring rows
10 sit-ups

CF and Burn Strength
15 min EMOM
1. Strict pull-ups – 2 sets of 2 to 5
2. KB push press – 5 each side; HEAVY!
3. Plank hold, DB switch – 20t
Recovery strength day. Good bodyweight pulling, with some heavy pressing all created with the goal to challenge you while rehabbing from the week. The pull-ups should be done in 2 sets with minimal rest in between, but all three pieces to this strength should be as challenging as possible.

All sprints…
:30 hang power cleans (95/65#)
:30 box jumps (24/20″)
:30 cals on AB
Rest 3:00, x5
We have done this one before and as we have all experienced the bike always has something to say about box jumps, so be careful on that second round. That doesn’t mean slow down however, for you to really feel the true nature of this WOD, you must treat every :30 like a sprint and see if you can hold on.

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