Nick A. takes first and Troy takes second! CFP representing well this year in the Masters Division.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 push-ups or ring dips
10 squats
5 pull-ups or ring rows
CFP squat mobility – couch, spiderman, pigeon + wall squats = happy squaters
**Warm-up the jumpers! Ankles and calfs.
A. Back squat – 5×3; AHAP
B. Broad jump – 3 attempts to find a max
We are going to test the broad jump for all our new members in fundamentals so it makes sense to test it more in class. It is the most simple, less impact way of demonstrating raw explosive power. Get in a couple practice jumps and then record something huge into Wodify.
Team Series or Partner workout
“Fran’s Open”
18 min AMRAP
3/3, 6/6. 9/9
Clean and jerks (95/65#)(75/55#)
*M/F pair 1 go, complete 3 and 3, then M/F pair 2 do their 3 and 3.
A gross hybrid or Fran and Open WOD