WOD – Friday 12/27

5 min AMRAP
:30 on AB
50’ bear crawl
10 push-ups with shoulder taps

Shoulder and wrist mobility

HS walking practice or OH strength session
A1. Seated SA DB strict press – 4×8
*one arm is locked out while other arm completes its 8 reps
A2. Hollow hold – complete a max hold after every set of presses

“What I Got”
Hang squat cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
Cals AB
50’ HS walk after each round
Intended stimulus – not officially a Port benchmark, but this one will test your ability to get upside down and move efficiently under high fatigue. Each piece will wear down important muscles needed for a solid OH position so be smart as you find a pace and be conservative in set numbers for both the cleans and T2B. Protecting the ability to perform the HS walks will be the top priority. If you go so hard that you fail the HS walks every 5 feet, nothing matters. So move with intent.

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