WOD – Friday 2/2

Introducing the challenge for the month of February. The Port Bingo. Here are the rules.

1. All “bingo” rules apply.
2. You are allowed to complete 5 bingo cards per person.
3. You will be entered for EVERY bingo you earn. So you have 5 chances to win.
4. Only one bingo per card. And you must re-earn all squares for the new card minus the accumulation squares.
5. All cards must be turned in by the end of day on February 28th
6. A coach must validate and initial each completed square

At the end of the month, all names will go into a raffle for a free month at The Port. This should get interesting.

Sign into Wodify, get your bingo in check and grab your jump ropes
3 rounds
40 DU’s
20t walking lunges
10 push-ups w/bird dog at the top of each

Been a good week. Work through a full mobility session to prep for strength

Power clean + push jerk – complete 1 rep E:90 for 9 minutes total. Start around 70% and build, or don’t.
Again been building in the complex one way or another. So come in with a plan and focus on attacking it.

“Pain Train”
4 rounds
30 DU’s
20 reverse lunges
10 power snatches (95/65#)(75/55#)
3 wall walks
Rest 1:30
Not much to say about this one. Make sure the snatches are light and the power position is fast and safe. Wall walks are an important skill transfer so please really emphasize tension. Do not overextend to touch your stomachs on the wall. Keep walking in and stay hollow. To finish the movement, you must walk back down to the bottom of the push-up position.

Accessory Work
Banded lat pull-downs – accumulate 80
Strict T2B – accumulate 40

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