Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
CrossFit squad, complete the Port snatch warm-up
Burners, prep for WOD
CF Strength
Squat snatch – spend some time warming up, then…
Squat snatch
Before each set, you must complete 20/16 cals AB
You should start your snatches around 65% and build to as close to 90% as possible.
This is a workout disguised as a strength session. Everyone must squat snatch, so that might change your approach a little bit. But we are looking to get this done AFAP with good form. That means your approach should be to start around 65% and add weight each time. Because the weight gets heavy quick, flying through this won’t really be an option. Being deliberate and attempting reps when you are ready will help you stay moving forward.
Accessory Work
A1. Weighted step-ups – 4x8e
A2. Standing DB strict press – 4×8