WOD – Friday 2/5

If you want to be on an open team and get a shirt, you need to be signed up by Wednesday, Feb 17th.

Overhead squats take a lot of prep and depending on your limitations there are many things you can do. Check out this awesome flow chart from Barbell Shrugged that helps you determine your weaknesses and how to fix them. Click here.

3 rounds
200m row or 1:00 on a bike
10 deadlifts
10 hang power snatches
10 behind the head push press

OHS prep

Snatch + OHS complex – think about the goal, build
1 power snatch + 3-5 OHS
*very individual dependent, talk to a coach
Watch this vid on OHSing

“Can’t Jam”
4 rounds
400m row
20 cals on AB
10 squat clean thrusters (95/65#)(75/55#)

Extra Credit
Have some fun with dynamic movement

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