Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 Russian KBS
10 ground scrapers
10 sumo goblet squats
10 push-ups
Posterior chain prep
CF Strength
Deadlift – 3×5 all between 70 and 80%
CF Skill
The HSPU and its progressions
Hateful 8 alert! The Port benchmark #2
3 rounds
21 deadlifts (225/155#)(185/135#)
15 box jumps (24/20”)
9 HSPU’s
Intended stimulus – gas pedal down. We did this one 12/30/2018. Look back and see not only what you got, but how you approached it. Getting better here does not always come down to a faster time. But maybe moving more weight or completing a more difficult progression of the movement with a similar time. Figure out what’s the best approach for you. Repeat as you did exactly and try to move faster, or make it a little more difficult and see if you can hold on.
Benchmark WOD. Scale accordingly and make sure all scales get into Wodify. Please make sure you go through the handstand push-up progressions so you can pick the best option for you.
HSPU scaling options;
1. Regular push-ups
2. Push-ups with feet on box
3. Piked push-up with feet on box
4. HSPU with 1 abmat (add 1 10# plate)
5. Rx HSPU