WOD – Friday 4/21

10 minutes of Rowling
Round 1 – squats
Round 2 – sit-ups
Round 3 – push-ups
Round 4 – pull-ups
Round 5 – burpees

Full joint mobility session to prep for WOD

“The Invitational”
3 rounds
350m row
30 DU’s
25 wall balls
20 sit-ups
15 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 burpee pull-ups
Rest 3:00 min between rounds
*those who sustained a pace may add a 4th round
Just the workout today, so you know that that means, a good warm-up, time spent at each movement and then a pretty long workout with rests after each round. There is going to be a 35:00 time cap, so if you want to get the three rounds in, make sure you
scale appropriately.

Accessory work
Back Squat – Week 2 Day 2
1×10@60%, 1×8 @70%, 1×8 @75%, and 1×8 @80%

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