WOD – Friday 5/17

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 KB sumo deadlifts
10 laying T2KB
10t half Turkish get-ups

Posterior chain prep for the sumo’s

CF Strength
Sumo deadlift – 2×3, 2×2, 2×1; across in each same rep set, but build when sets change
Sumo deadlift again. You guys are really doing a good job with it. Remember, with the set up, the legs are much wider allowing for a much more upright torso taking a lot of the shear forces out of the lower back and letting the legs do a lot more. It is so important to understand the “why” so we can better attack a given piece of our training. The Sumo DL is not only more efficient for developing the hips/posterior chain, but it is a much safer variation. Increase your Sumo DL and your Conventional Deadlift and your Back Squats numbers will invariably follow!

5 rounds
75 DU’s
15 T2B
10 strict press (75/55#)(65/45#)
A very shoulder heavy workout here. That means in order to get through it you are going to have to break up these movements so that you do not run the shoulders to empty. Be smart.

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