WOD – Friday 6/26

9 min EMOM
:40 or work/:20 of rest
1. Row
2. Empty BB deadlifts
3. Plank hold

Deadlift – 3×5
Look to increase from 6/12 both on the RPE scale and overall load
5 rounds
10 double DB stiff leg deadlift
20 glute bridges
:30 hollow hold

3 rounds
500m row
25 sit-ups
15 deadlifts
Rest 1:00
Must add weight to barbell each round

3 rounds
500m row or 400m run
30t SA DB deadlifts
25 sit-ups
Rest 1:00

Many have noticed that there has been less “prescribed” weight in our workouts. That is because we were a little too concerned with what to put on our barbells then we were with quality of movement and achieved stimulus. If you are some one who is guilty of that, join the club, I have done it myself. However over quarantine I realized that moving was the most important thing. Finding a way to move and feel healthy. Lifting too heavy only jeopardizes that, both in the moment, it the weight is too heavy, you have to take more breaks and slows you down. But is also jeopardizes your movement for the next few days. Go to hard with a heavier weight than you should and your central nervous system get super fatigued and you will feel the effects for days. Not to mention if you hurt yourself, you are out of commission. So use your return as an opportunity to reset the system and find weights that work for you regardless of what the person next to you is doing.

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