There are a three teams competing at the Summer Smackdown in Nashua on Saturday. Come show your support and cheer them on.
2 minutes in Z1, right into 5 minutes of…
10 jumping squats
10 push-ups
10 Russian KBS
10 sit-ups
Olympic wall squat series
A1. Back squat – 6×3 around 70%
*stay “lighter” and focus on speed
A2. 3 broad jumps for total distance (3 attempts total)
Rest :30 between and :60 after
“Wear me down”
4 rounds
20 cals on AB
15 power cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
10 OHS
5 box jumps (30/24”)
*must step down
Rest 1:30
Accessory work
Hanging L-sit; accumulate 2:00