WOD – Friday 7/28

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows
3 broad jumps for distance

CFP squat mobilty
Achilles stretch

10 min EMOM
Evens – 5 back squats
Odds – 5 high box jumps
Weight should be between 40 and 50% so reps stay fast and explosive. Speed day. Box jumps should be really high, but everyone must step down.

“End of the Rainbow”
14 min AMRAP
5 double push-up, double jump over the bar burpees
10 squat snatches (95/65#)(75/55#)
200m run
Burpee is 2 push-ups, jump over the bar, jump back over the bar, that’s one. Introducing PortMove, a youtube channel dedicated to perfecting your movement. We will be demoing exercises, talking about performance cues and having a good time overall. Check out your coaches doing what they love, here. If you cannot squat snatch substitute a power snatch and then OHS. If that’s not possible then 10 power snatches and then 10 front squats.

Accessory Work
Weighted pull-ups – 5×5
Those who cannot complete an unassisted pull-up should grab a partner and try these.

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