10 min AMRAP
200m jog
15 banded pull-aparts
10 ring rows
Banded shoulder mobility
CF and Burn Strength
Weighted pull-up – find a 2RM
5 to 7 sets of…
2 to 4 pull-ups
2 to 4 negatives
4 to 8 ring rows or bent over rows
Find a rep scheme and progression that is going to make you work hard and get a little bit better at a very difficult movement. No bands or low bars today, all work on the big rig. No matter what option you go with, or what rep scheme you pick, today is about understanding that the pull-up is one of the hardest moves there is and we all can do something to get a little better at them.
*burn alternatives are ring rows or bent over rows
5 rounds for broke
1:00 ME cals AB
1:00 hang power cleans (95/65#)(75/55#)
2:00 rest
Let all remember the workout we did 2 weeks ago with a very similar format. It had DB snatches, burpees over the DB and cals on the assault bike. It also had a programmed rest. Because it was 3 movements each done for 1 minute with only 1 minute of rest after each round and today there are only 2 movements done for a minute with 2 minutes of rest, the pace will be significantly different. Last time you have a 3:1 work to rest ratio, while today you have a 1:1. That means you can go a bit harder than you did last time understanding that you will be able to recover a lot more during your rest.
Another small factor that might change things for you, this week each round starts on the bike while last time we ended on the bike. Meaning you might need to pace the bike a bit more knowing you must get off the bike and get on the barbell.
Score is reps per round.